If you have lots of metal or plastic bottle caps that you have collected thinking that you will make some craft but looking for an idea look no further. We have gathered some super fun ideas that you will like for sure.
Bottle Ladybug Cap Magnets

You will need some acrylic paints in red(or any other color), black, and white color. Paint the bottle caps and then add a small magnet disc to each using a strong glue.
A Wind Chime

If you want to make something in its raw form then you can use a metal punching tool and jump rings to attach strings of bottle caps to a colander and make a wind chime.
A Jewelry Organizer

A Mirror Border

Paint bottle caps with shiny acrylic paints and then glue them to a mirror border to embellish it.
A Wall Clock

You can create a wall clock with bottle caps, a wood disc, and a clock kit.